Rapid Visual Processing

Rapid Visual Processing

Rapid Visual Processing Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesConfiguration The Rapid Visual Processing task paradigm (RVP) is a serial detection task where test participants see a stream of single digits presented at a rate of about 100 items per...
Psychomotor Vigilance Task

Psychomotor Vigilance Task

Psychomotor Vigilance Task Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesConfiguration The Psychomotor Vigilance Task is a classic sustained attention task that measures how subjects respond to a simple visual stimulus for an extended period of time (Dinges, D....
Serial Arithmetic Task (SAT)

Serial Arithmetic Task (SAT)

Serial Arithmetic Task (SAT)This test measures the speed of adding and subtracting numbers from eachother Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesConfiguration This test asks subjects to continuously add or subtract numbers. It is a variant of the Paced...
Card Sorting Task

Card Sorting Task

Card Sorting TaskMeasure the fexibility of shifting rules on how to sort cards into different piles Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesConfiguration The Card Sorting Task is an adaptation of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (R). This test is a very...


TappingMeasure how fast subjects can tap on a key within a given time period Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesConfiguration Tapping (also called wrist-finger speed) is a basic speed-dependent psychomotor skill. While the tapping rate can be...