Rapid Visual Processing

Rapid Visual Processing

Rapid Visual Processing Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesConfiguration The Rapid Visual Processing task paradigm (RVP) is a serial detection task where test participants see a stream of single digits presented at a rate of about 100 items per...
Operation Memory Span

Operation Memory Span

Operation Memory Span Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesScript Memory Span task require test participants to remember a sequence of items and then recall those items in the right order.  Measuring the largest size of correctly recalled item sequence...
Serial Arithmetic Task (SAT)

Serial Arithmetic Task (SAT)

Serial Arithmetic Task (SAT)This test measures the speed of adding and subtracting numbers from eachother Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesConfiguration This test asks subjects to continuously add or subtract numbers. It is a variant of the Paced...
Digit Memory Span

Digit Memory Span

Digit Memory SpanMeasure how many digits a person can reproduce in average Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesConfiguration The limitation of working memory to hold discrete units to an amount of 7 ± 2 items is called memory span and is a well proven...
Spatial Memory Span (Corsi Span)

Spatial Memory Span (Corsi Span)

Spatial Memory Span (Corsi Span)Measure the memory span for recalling a sequence of locations Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesConfiguration The limitation of working memory to hold discrete units to an amount of 7 ± 2 items is called memory span...