by DrJeyBee | May 22, 2022
Hearts and Flowers Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesScript The Hearts & Flower Test is a hybrid task combining element of a spatial Stroop task and task switching (Wright & Diamond, 2014). In the first block (congruent condition), a heart...
by DrJeyBee | Dec 9, 2020
Donders Response TypesStudy how fast you can respond to visual stimuli Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesConfiguration In 1868, the Dutch physiologist and ophthalmologist F. C. Donders suggested that such mental processes as sensory discrimination,...
by DrJeyBee | Dec 9, 2020
Posner Letter Match TaskStudy the effect of different encoding levels on the response latency Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesConfiguration The letter-match task varies levels-of-processing when comparing two symbols. A stimulus can be analyzed at...
by DrJeyBee | Dec 8, 2020
Stimulus QualityStudy how degraded visual stimulus quality and time uncertainty affects response latency Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesConfiguration Saul Sternberg developed a method for dividing reaction time into successive or serial stages,...
by DrJeyBee | Dec 7, 2020
Inter-hemispheric IntegrationStudy the differences between left and right visual field presentation on spatial and symbolic tasks Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesConfiguration Inter-hemispheric Integration (IHI) studies how the brain integrates...