Stimulus Quality

Study how degraded visual stimulus quality and time uncertainty affects response latency

Saul Sternberg developed a method for dividing reaction time into successive or serial stages, called the additive factors method. The process between stimulus presentation and overt reaction can be subdivided into a number of discrete steps: 1) stimulus processing or encoding 2) response choice 3) motor programming 4) motor activation 5) response execution These stages can be individually addressed by varying a basic reaction time task with respect to Stimulus Quality which influences stimulus encoding Time uncertainty of stimulus onset which influences motor activation Stimulus/Response-compatibility which influences the response selection Response complexity which influences the programming of motor output Factors that influenced one stage (e.g., stimulus intensity) can be considered additive with those that influenced another stage (e.g., motor output). The Additive Factor Logic became a popular framework because it is possible to determine at which stage(s) a new factor, e.g. drug effects, age, and mental diseases had its influence. The Additive Factor Logic helped significantly contributed to the information processing approach in cognitive psychology since it decomposes the information processing into functional sub-systems and stages. This rather mechanistic view has been later challenged by a more continuous activation model which tolerates activations that spread across the boundary of one sub-system.


Donders, F. C. [On the speed of mental processes] In W. G. Koster (Ed. And Trans.), Attention and Performance II, 412-431. Amsterdam: North Holland, 1969. (Reprinted from Acta Psychologica, 1969, 30).

Massaro, D. W. Experimental Psychology and Information Processing. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1975

Sternberg, S. The discovery of processing stages: Extensions of Donders` Method. In W.G. Koster (Ed.), Attention and performance II, 276-315. Amsterdam: North Holland, 1969. Reprinted from Acta Psychologica, 1969, 30).


Configuration Options

Digits : Digits within one block {1, 2, 3, 4}
Stimuli Set : Stimuli within one block {dregaded, intact, mixed}
Replications : Replications of factorial design within block
ITI : Inter-simulus-interval  {fixed, random} configurable in msec