Mental Rotation

Mental Rotation

Mental RotationStudy the effect of symbol rotation when discriminating between normal and mirrored images Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesConfiguration In a mental rotation task, subjects are required to determine if a given stimulus is presented...
Random Dots

Random Dots

Random DotsStudy the speed of visually comparing random dot patterns Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesConfiguration Random dot patterns are popular to study low level visual perception since dots are reliably processed without attentional...
Spatial Attention Task

Spatial Attention Task

Spatial Attention TaskStudy how you can benefit from a cue that predicts the stimulus location Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesConfiguration Orienting attention toward the location at which a stimulus is about to appear facilitates the detection...
Spatial Memory Span (Corsi Span)

Spatial Memory Span (Corsi Span)

Spatial Memory Span (Corsi Span)Measure the memory span for recalling a sequence of locations Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesConfiguration The limitation of working memory to hold discrete units to an amount of 7 ± 2 items is called memory span...