by DrJeyBee | Nov 28, 2022
Operation Memory Span Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesScript Memory Span task require test participants to remember a sequence of items and then recall those items in the right order. Measuring the largest size of correctly recalled item sequence...
by DrJeyBee | Dec 8, 2020
Simon TaskStudy how stimulus location can interfer with your motoric response Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesConfiguration The Spatial Interference Task was discovered and described in a series of J.R. Simon in the 1960s. He discovered that the...
by DrJeyBee | Dec 8, 2020
Task SwitchingStudy the effect of blocked vs. mixed instructions on your response time Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesConfiguration Many reaction time paradigms train subjects to adopt specific stimulus-response mappings in order to collect...
by DrJeyBee | Dec 7, 2020
Negative PrimingStudy how to-be-ignored information can influence your information processing Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesConfiguration In selective attentions tasks, subjects must focus on a stimulus (target) while ignoring distractors. One...
by DrJeyBee | Dec 7, 2020
Stroop Color Naming TaskStudy how color and color words can interfer each other Start a 1min Interactive Preview BackgroundReferencesConfiguration The Stroop color-naming task is a very influential paradigm in cognitive psychology, elegantly illustrating concepts such...