Scripting Language – References
The ERTS scripting language is a special purpose programming language to define reaction time experiments. It has been developed in the 90’s as part of the Experiment RunTime System (ERTS) which has been used by a very large number of researchers over the years to collect data on cognitive tasks. We are proud to offer support for this popular language again to enable researchers to program their own cognitive task paradigms without having deep programming skills.
Original Publication
- Beringer, J. (1993). Entwurf einer Anwendersprache zur Steuerung psychologischer Reaktionszeitexperimente. European University Studies, Series XLI, Informatic, Peter Lang: Frankfurt, Paris, New York.
General Description
- Beringer, J. (1994). CiP94 Abstracts: ERTS-IPL: Tachistoscopic color image displays and accurate response registration on IBM PCs. Psychology Software News, 5(2), 37-38, CTI Centre for Psychology, University of York.
- Dutta, A. (1995). Experimental RunTime System: Software for Developing and Running Reaction Time Experiments on IBM-compatible PCs. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 27 (4), 516-519.
- Iwanek, R. (1994). Review of the Experimental RunTime System. Psychology Software News, 5(2), 65-67, CTI Centre for Psychology, University of York.