Order Annual Plans for Education & Teaching

Conditions and Terms:

Discount Eligibility: Student discounts are only available for self-funded student research without any sponsor. Non-profit Research is defined as driven by academic interest, aiming to make results public, and not being directly executed on behalf of a “for-profit” sponsor or as a part of commercial services. To qualify for a discount, we may ask for a confirmation letter signed by your supervisor or a representative of your academic institution.

Test Run: A test run is defined as the data collection of a task paradigm or a experiment script presented to a test participant. Cognition Lab provides test user names which allows you to develop and validated test designs without using up your purchased test runs. Free test runs included in the annual plans expire with the end date of the annual subscription plan. Additional test runs expire 1 year after purchase.

Team Accounts: A team account is a shared workspace where multiple users can setup and manage experiments, launch test sessions, and access data depending on their user profiles. With multiple team accounts you can create separate workspaces which are not shared between users of another workspace.

Data Storage: One advantage of annual plans is that you all your data and experiment configurations are accessible throughout the year. If a plan is not renewed (please note that there is no auto-renewal), data will be deleted after  six month. It is your responsibility to backup and archive your data by downloading results in CSV format.